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Thursday, June 2, 2011

The System is Down

Last Friday I got home to find out that the power supply in my HTPC had died. I was lucky enough that it was still under warranty but I had to order a new one while I wait for the original to be returned. Who knows how long that will take but I have an email request in to the manufacture. Why do RMA returns always take so long?

Replacement Electronics Cost: $50.00

On Sunday a stick of RAM in my Mac Pro died so I had to order new memory for the Mac Pro. Not that I really need it but RAM is cheap and the 4GB of new RAM will keep my computer going if the other sticks happen to die before I replace the computer.

Replacement Electronics Cost: $210.00

Yesterday the internet was acting up and I'm starting to think my wireless router is dying as well. Not that it surprises me but the timing of my router going out is just crazy. Couldn't it just hang on for a few more days before going out? I got the router way back in 2004 or 2005 which is an eternity in electronics years. In that time tons of great features have been added to wireless routers so I'll have to spend some time going over all the specs before I choose a new router for the house. I'm not entirely excited about spending another $100 this week but I guess that is what happens when half the electronics in your house all lose parts in the same week. Too bad we didn't have a bad storm then I could claim a lightning strike and try and get some insurance money.

Replacement Electronics Cost: $300.00+

Well on the plus side the total cost of replacing parts is still less than my deductible so maybe I'm lucky we didn't get a storm.

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