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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Star Wars Super Post

I've been running across lots of cool Star Wars related things lately so I've decided to post one giant Star Wars post. :D

Star Wars, in two minutes, with LEGO

This video is awesome. nuff said

Adidas Does Star Wars

I'm starting to think Snoop Dogg should be inserted into every old movie ever made. Can you picture him in Gone With The Wind?

"Frankly I don't give a shit bitch." I would pay to see that.

Star Wars Play Set

When I was a kid I asked my Dad if we could build a tree house in our backyard tree. He told me they were illegal to have in Illinois. I honestly believed that until I was like 14. :) I bet he was just trying discourage me from asking if I could get this Return of the Jedi play set for the backyard.

Look how freaking cool that thing is.

Speeder Bike Big Wheel

OK this thing isn't exactly a big wheel but that doesn't stop it from being any less cool.

Space Slug Oven Mitt

I'll be the first to admit that 20 dollars is way too much freaking money for any oven mitt but this one from The Empire Strikes Back is pretty cool.

Freeze Rebel Scum

This picture is adorable. I can't think of any other way to describe it.

Ewok Karaoke

Ewok Karaoke from Rob Tyler on Vimeo.

It doesn't get any better than this.

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