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Sunday, June 13, 2010

New Artwork & Videos

It has been awhile since I've updated my video and pictures section of this website. Not that I haven't been working on things but I've been holding off in order to reveal all the new stuff with my new website redesign. Originally my friend Mike was going to do that but then he got swamped with work and normal day to day life stuff. So then I thought about doing it myself but I got lazy and then got swamped with video games and day to day life stuff. (why does this sound familiar?)

So after putting it off for far to long here is a bunch of stuff I have been working on over the past few months.

Facebook Profile Pictures

I think these have been the most fun for me lately because I can get them done in about 15 minutes. They are goofy and just kind of fun.

The Kleptones Presents: The Videotones Project

You may be asking why this is news because I posted this video back in March in a blog post. I have posted this video before but I never got around to putting it into my video gallery. So maybe this is new to someone.

Project Sunrise

Judging by the Google Analytics on my Project Sunrise page not many people knew about this project when I was working on it let alone now that it is done. In short it was a picture a day project where I took a picture of the sunrise every morning when I pulled into work.

The project lasted 2 years and I then put all the pictures together into a one 5 minute video. I thought it turned out pretty good but I had more fun just taking the pictures than anything else.

Fish Artwork

About a year ago when we moved into our house Jacque wanted me to take down a shelf we had above our aquarium. It was ugly as hell and it looked like it had been there forever so I kind of liked it. Well she talked me into taking it down and behind it was a hole in the wall filled with sugar from the 1930's.

Pretty cool find if I do say so myself.

Now we just have the boxes of sugar displayed in the whole and it looks pretty neat.

When we first took the shelf down, however, we wanted to cover the hole with some artwork. I was having trouble finding a large print that would cover the hole and look nice. After trying for a few days I called it quits and hit up deviantART*, found a print I liked and I stole copied it. The original idea was to print the artwork and hang it over the hole. That never happened so here is the original work I was stealing inspired by and the work I came up with below that.

Original work downloaded from deviantART*

Fish design I stole re-engineered

*Note: I've tried for hours to find the original artist of this piece but for the life of me I can't find it again on deviantART. So I'm very sorry I can't give the original artist the credit they deserve. :(

Boba Phat

Years ago I saw a picture online of a skate deck that had Boba Fett with shutter glasses and on the bottom of the skate deck it read "Boba Phat." I thought it was pretty clever and moved on.

After finishing the Fish artwork above I started to think about that Boba Phat deck I saw so many years ago. I really wanted to see it again so I searched and searched to no avail. Every few months or so it would pop into my head again and I would search for it without finding a single bit of evidence it ever existed.

Finally after searching for this mystical board I gave up and decided to make my own Boba Phat deck to satisfy my curiosity. I worked on it for a few weeks before stopping completely. It was close to being done but I just kind of ran out of steam on the whole project. That was when I heard about boardpusher.com. It is a company out of Denver that does one off skate deck printing. I finally had a way to display my deck once it was finished. So I set out to finish my design.

Glasses vs. Chain Boba Phat designs.

Ultimately I came up with dozens of color schemes and more than one design. I liked them all so I was really torn on which version to go with. I bounced the ideas off a few people but in the end I picked the design below and sent off my work to get printed.

I got the board a few days later and I have to say it turned out pretty well.

I ended up giving it to my friends Matt & Nikki for their wedding present. Matt loves Boba Fett and Nikki loves skateboarding so it seemed like a good fit.

Shortly after posting this blog (by shortly I mean minutes) I received an email with the following information about the mystery Boba Phat deck.
The Boba Phat deck you describe in your recent blog post was designed and hand painted by artist Shaiby Dahan. You can find more of his artwork at this address http://www.abztract.com/profile/shai-dahan-1

I'm also attaching a picture of some of the decks he has worked on including the Boba Phat deck you talked about in your post.

So they you have it, I wasn't dreaming about a Boba Phat deck after all. I also found out that Shaiby Dahan did one of my favorite pieces of Star Wars artwork.

Now what was that Pablo Picasso quote about great artists stealing art?


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