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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Bloop

While not on a cosmos level of big lets talk about our oceans. What is at the bottom of the ocean anyway? Who knows? Have you ever seen how big that thing is? It's freaking huge and we've barely started to understand a small percentage of things that live in it. That is what makes the Bloop so freaking creepy.

If you haven't heard about the Bloop let me break it down for you.

Back in 1997 this very strange "bloop" sound was heard on a few microphones used by scientists to monitor the ocean. They couldn't figure out what it was or where it came from. No known animals create such a loud sound. Oh and the best part was the sounds was picked up by many microphones about 3000 miles apart (5000 km for our Canadian readers). WTF man?

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have a whole page dedicated to mystery sounds heard in the ocean that you can find here. I don't really have a theory on what could make the sounds but If it is that big I don't want to know what it is anyway.

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