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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Attempted UFO Abduction

Two teens in New Hampshire claim they were sitting innocently in their car, when a UFO levitated their entire vehicle off the ground and tried to abduct them. Here is the witness testimony.
My name is E and I'm eighteen years old. I live in Laconia. Last Saturday night, my boyfriend D came up to see me and we went out. When we got to (edited), in Laconia, we parked in the back in the separate parking lot. We turned off the car and it was totally silent.

We were just sitting there and I looked up at the moon. I saw this weird black-shaped object. And then, I said to my boyfriend, "What was that?"

He looked up at it and he said, "If it gets any closer, we need to leave."

I kept staring at the moon to see if it was just a plane or something. It moved back across the moon. It was huge and it looked like it was zig-zagging or changing shape. I couldn't tell.

He said, "I think it's coming closer." It flew so fast over the trees getting closer to where we were. It felt like it was zeroing in on us. It blocked the moon. And then, we started panicking and driving away.

Teens Survive Weird Ordeal With UFO That Levitated Their Car I thought were were going to hit the Bingo building. We turned left but it felt like we went off of a jump – you know that feeling? like we were on a rollercoaster? And we were in the air. I was trying to pay attention to everything that was going on but it felt like I couldn't. When I looked up, everything was black. The smell was not nice but it was like something you could stand. It was an odor I've never smelled before. I heard absolutely nothing – it was silent. I felt immobilized like I had no control over what I was doing or over my body. I could see nothing. It was like opening your eyes in a pitch black room.

I felt really nervous and scared. I don't remember crying or screaming. I held on to the center console because I felt like I was lifted. I was holding on so tight that my thumbprint is imprinted on the center console.

And then, when I finally realized what was happening, I was so close to the windshield that my body was going forward with my arms behind me. Everything was black. I heard a loud noise like a horn. Once. And then, the car just dropped.

I hit my eye on the dashboard and the airbags came out. I couldn't believe what had just happened. I held my face and I looked over at my boyfriend. I saw that his left arm had blood. I said, "Are you OK?" I looked at the windshield and it was cracked, totally, but only on the passenger side.

I could see D but I couldn't see anything outside. The only thing that made the car drop was the sound of the loud horn. When the car dropped, there was a loud boom. After that, we just drove so fast out of there. The smell went away after we drove away. And I started crying. And I said, "What the h-l just happened?" My boyfriend said, "I don't know, I don't know." I didn't feel like they were following us.

When we got home, my Mom said that she could hear me from the outside while I was freaking out. I couldn't stop crying. My Mom said, "Calm down and tell me what happened." I said, "You're never going to believe me." "Is it my car?" she asked.

And I said, "Let me explain," because I felt that if I didn't explain it fast enough, it was just going to go away from my mind.

At about 12:15 am, a cop arrived. I told him what had happened while I was sitting down at the dinner table. My boyfriend was sitting next to me – it was then that I noticed that there was no more blood on his arm or his clothing. The cop didn't believe me at first until he finished looking at the car. He told my Mom that there was no reason for the air bags to come out because nothing else on the car was damaged. He didn't check underneath the car but we found out later that the underside was totaled. The cop said that he was going to the place where we had been.

I just felt thankful that we'd gotten out of there. But I couldn't stop crying for more than 2 hours afterwards. My Mom said, "You should go take a shower and get the airbag dust off of you." But I didn't want to be alone at all. I felt lucky. And there were no scratches or anything anywhere on my body . . .

I am better now. I still worry about seeing this thing again and I pay attention to the sky at night. I really don't go out at night, anymore, because I'm scared.
This is a pretty interesting story and you can read all about it at this link. Oh they also have the boyfriends story over there as well.

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