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Friday, April 3, 2009

PC Health

At home I don't have much maintenance to do on my computers. I run all Macs at home so I don't really do much to keep them running smooth. What little needs to be done gets run silently in the background. I know this is cliche but they just work. In fact the only problem I have with them is when my internet speeds drop because Charter sucks.

At work I work on both Mac computers and PC computers. Sometimes I forget how much maintenance you have to do on a PC to keep it running nice. From defraging to disc cleanup it's kind of a pain in the ass. Sure you could set it up to run automatically but it's a work computer. IT should have to deal with that.

Sadly no, I have to deal with that. So today I set out to clean up my work PC. I ran CCleaner for disc cleanup. Then I started to run Disc Defragmenter. I had to laugh when the disc finished analyzing. It looks like I have never defraged my PC.

I'm pretty sure it has been over a year so it's really my own fault. I highly doubt this will speed my slow computer up at all but it is something I should get in the habit of doing more often.

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