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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Housing Update

So yesterday I told you about how I was getting tired of waiting to hear back about an offer I had put in on a house on Sunday.

As soon as I got home from work yesterday I heard that they declined our offer because they received an offer higher than the listed sale price. It turns out that last week someone put in an offer that was accepted. During that time another person put in a second offer that was declined because the first offer was already accepted. Well instead of just moving on to another place the second person put in yet another offer that was higher than the list price of the house. Long story short (too late) the first offer fell through so the second guy with an offer on the table for higher than the listed price gets in before me. Of course he will now be paying more than they were selling the place for. I say good for him. :)

After hearing this news I had my Realtor put in an offer on another place that we had looked at and that was turned down as well. It seems as though I'm a day late and a dollar short on both places. Luckily for us we did have about four other places that we liked so hopefully by the end of the week we will have some more information about those. Man buying a house is really kind of a drag. You never have to worry about being outbid on an apartment.