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Tuesday, March 31, 2009


The other day I got the hiccups. Before they started I ate a nacho and got some chips stuck in the back of my throat that I tried to break free by coughing. This started a chain reaction of cough, hiccup, cough, hiccup. It went on for about a minute and was single handily the weirdest and funniest combination of bodily functions I have experienced. I tried to look it up online but found no mentions of cough hiccups. I did find hiccup yawns but no cough hiccups. I may be the first person on the planet to ever experience this. How cool is that?

P.S. I didn't really look up cough hiccups online. Sorry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your not the only one,
it happens to me too,
i just tried looking it up, mine have gone for longer than a minute too!