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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Movie Posters

I have a soft spot in my heart for movie posters. One of my early movie going memories is trying to figure out what a movie was going to be like based on the poster. Recently I have learned that for people outside of America it is a lot harder for kids to figure out what a movie is going to be like based solely on it's poster.


In America the poster to "Army of Darkness" looked like this.

While in Japan it looked like this.

Now if you have never seen "Army of Darkness" before you can guess from the American poster that its about a guy with a chainsaw arm fighting an army of the dead.

Now look at the Japanese "Army of Darkness" poster and tell me what that movie is about. My best guess would be a guy fighting a bunch of groceries.

Now image for a minute you are a kid from Poland and you see this poster.

Any ideas?

Try "Escape from Planet of the Apes" for a start. I don't know about you but I would never in a million years think "Escape from the Planet of the Apes" for that poster. I looked into it a bit further and apparently all Polish movie posters are messed up like this. Here are a few great examples.

Weekend at Bernies


The Fly

Of course not all Polish movie posters are weird. In fact the "Eyes Wide Shut" poster is actually more interesting than the movie.

Sometimes I just wish movie posters were a bit more truthful about the film they were portraying. Over at holytaco.com they recently posted a bunch of posters just like that.

Here are my favorites.

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