I also wanted to leave you with a few neat things I found online before I leave Madison for Christmas stuff.
So about three days ago I recieved an email from a friend who told me that Metallica had a new music video online and it was "so good I have to check it out." I did what any music fan would do and ignored the email and went about my day. The next day I ran into him downtown and he excitedly asked if I watched the video yet. I had to break his heart and tell him no. This of course triggers the "you have to see it. I can't believe you didn't watch it. It's so awesome" speech. I kind of felt bad so I watched it when I got home and it turned out to be pretty good. Not awesome mind you but pretty good.
Of course I watched it muted because I just can't handle Metallica anymore but the video was an interesting take on a Soviet zombie invasion of the USA.
An actual awesome internet find is the Lunch Bag Art blog. This guy puts very cool art on his kids lunch bags everyday.
If you follow the link above you can see a huge gallery of bad ass lunch bags he has done. My personal favorite of the bunch has to be the Calvin & Hobbes lunch bag that got sent home with a note. :)

Good work lunch bag art guy!
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