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Monday, December 29, 2008


Last night Jacque and I were online playing Gears of War 2 until 1 in the morning.  All in an unsuccessful attempt to capture the Hoard the Horde achievement by surviving all 50 levels of horde mode.  We made it all the way to level 49 and couldn't get any further.  Hopefully we can beat that sometime soon.

Today while reading my RSS feeds I found this video I wanted to share with you all about the history of video games.

A Short Visual History of Videogames from Kyle Downes on Vimeo.

The video is very well done and I like the 3D effects a lot.  Speaking of video games if you get the chance play World of Goo for the PC and Nintendo Wii.  It's good fun and on sale for 15 bux through Steam until January 2nd.

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