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Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Halloween just wouldn't be Halloween without watching at least one scary movie.  So for your viewing pleasure I give you John Carpenter's The Thing.  Enjoy.

Now that we have the Halloween stuff out of the way I can focus on the break in we had at Pre-Played last night.  No this is not a re-post of last months break in.  This is the fourth break in four months for Pre-Played but this time I was able to help ID the perps.

Let me back up and start at the beginning (seems like a good place to start).

Around 11 at night I'm in bed about to fall asleep when Jacque hears the alarm across the street at Pre-Played going off.  Looking out the window we see a car sitting in the parking lot.  I assume it's a cop at first glance and call 911.  Turns out it's a late 90's Silver Mercury and not a police cruiser at all.  While on the phone with 911 we see the "perp" leave the building and throw a bag of stuff into the back seat and drive off down the street.  The police show up about 30 seconds later and I go outside to talk to them.  After telling them who I am and what I saw they tell me they have a few cars pulled over that match the description of the vehicle involved in the robbery.  They then ask if I'd be willing to "ID the perps?"  


So they throw me in the back of a squad car and we take off to look at six different cars they had pulled over.  The first five cars and drivers I see are definitely not involved in this robbery.  Car number six on the other hand was without a doubt the car I saw drive off from Pre-Played after the robbery.  The downside is that from my apartment I couldn't say with 100% accuracy that the driver was the guy involved.  They were kind of hush hush about arresting the guy so I'm not sure what they found in the car but I would be surprised if it wasn't him.  In fact I would be REALLY surprised!

Interesting side note on this whole thing...

In police lingo a witness is a 17.  All night cops would come up their buddy and ask, "is this the 17?"  It kind of made me feel cool.  I want to do a police ride along now.  Man that would be awesome.

I plan on updating later once I know more but until then have a Happy Halloween and enjoy The Thing.

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