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Monday, June 23, 2008

The Goonies & Bigfoot together at last

So after yesterday I left you right before we got on the ferry to start our road trip across Washington and Oregon. It has been a fun time but I am now tired and in need of a drink. I will try and summarize the trip so far in pictures.

We went to the top of a mountain in Olympia National Forest. As you can see it was cold and there was snow.

Next we went to a few more park areas then headed to Ruby Beach. We hung out there before driving for a few hours and sleeping in the car in some parking lot. It was cold and uncomfortable but it was warmer and more comfortable then a tent.

This morning we woke up in the car all stiff and sore and drove to Mount St. Helens. Because that place is pretty much still fucking wasted from the volcano I decided to upload this much nicer picture of us and our friend Bigfoot. He is a very nice guy if you ever get the change to meet him. After the volcano and Bigfoot we drove to Astoria, Oregon to see this.

If you guessed the house from Goonies you are right. Here is a picture of me standing in front of it.

We also saw the jail, the bowling alley where Chunk sees the police chase and the museum where Mikey's dad worked. I have pictures of the jail but not of the bowling alley or the museum. :( Maybe we can take those tomorrow. For now it's off to get drunk at a local brewery and then off to sleep in a real bed.

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