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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Funny Movies Are Not That Funny

I'm finding it really hard to follow up my last post with something worth posting about. I spent a lot of time making that list and finding all the videos to go along with it. I guess I'm just having a hard time letting go of my blogging past...well that and I've been spending all my time playing Grand Theft Auto IV. I want to point out right now that it is a GREAT GAME. A really GREAT GAME but it's still just another GTA sequel. Nothing more and nothing less. Don't get me wrong it's a GREAT GAME but I don't really understand why it's getting 10 out of 10 reviews all over the internet. You would think this thing is the end all be all of video games. Shouldn't it lose a few points for being another sequel that for the most part plays pretty much like all the other games in the series? What the fuck do I know? I'm just some guy with an Xbox.

May 1st today and I have started a new sunrise slide show. The thirty picture limit on photobucket is really kind of a pain for this project but it is cool to know that I have 60+ pictures of the sunrise. I did noticed today that before I could upload my picture I had to watch a stupid 30 second trailer for some lame as romantic comedy movie.  I hate to spoil the movie for you but this will be the whole film....

boy meets girl
girl hates boy
boy does something charming
girl likes boy
boy and girl are happy
girl misunderstands something boy does
girl hates boy again
boy is sad
boy wins back girl
the end

Internet rambling...sorry about that. If you haven't checked out the sunrise project I have been working on it's kind of cool but it's just pictures of the sky at sunrise. Monday (April 28) I snapped a picture and I caught a duck walking across the parking lot.  When I started this project I hoped for more weird stuff to show up. Maybe some Jesus shaped clouds or something odd like that. Instead I get one picture of a duck. Where are you going duck? We have no pond here for you....we only have blacktop and cars. Perhaps he knew I was showing up with my sandwich and he wanted my bread. Not today duck, better luck next time.

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