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Friday, March 14, 2008

Cars & Corsets

Weird title I know but keep with me on this one and it will all make sense.  I was cruisn' the old internet for information about Jazz from Transformers.  Specifically I was wondering if anyone else had noticed that not only did Jazz die first but he also happened to be the only black autobot?  While digging through the crap that is fan made Transformers websites I found mention of a bad ass pontiac ad.  After following a few links I found this wonderful Spy Hunter homage.

If that wasn't bad ass enough I also found this kick ass corset while searching for Super Mario Brothers artwork on google images.

Of course one stop to kotaku.com and they already had both stories on their website.  I guess I should just stop surfing the web and only visit kotaku for all my video game related stories from now on.  I also found a video about the google offices in Zurich and it makes you realize just how bad your office sucks.

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