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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Achievement Unlocked: Red Ring of Death

So on Monday I got the lovely Red Ring of Death on my seven month old Xbox 360. It was horrible news to me because that means I have to wait 4 to 6 weeks for the fix to happen. It was excellent news to my brother who will be getting the replacement Xbox 360 I bought on Tuesday. Rather than go almost two months without anything to play I felt the best option was to just go buy a new Xbox. When I get mine back from Microsoft I'll just mail him the replacement Xbox I have. Now I just have to hope that this one doesn't die on me before I get my original Xbox back. I really can't afford a third Xbox 360.

On the plus side I did get food poisoning this weekend which was a really great way to end the week I thought. I was up all night puking so that was nice. I hope next week goes a bit better.

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